Healthy Reads & Inspiration

I’m back for another Sunday of chillin’ and readin’. Hope you like this week’s picks!

8bf0b7b57629b43a0cc70c10e91decef Think before watching: Action movies can make you stuff your face
I totally get the theory behind this! Makes total sense.

Women’s Health: 3 Nutrients That Fight Cravings
After reading this, I immediately thought that I need to add some of these foods to my grocery list!

Women’s Health: 7 Weight-Loss Tips That Are Actually Totally False
I was surprised by some of these because I have definitely tried to follow some of these tips!


Roni’s Weigh: I’ll Never Be Thin Enough For Her
I sent the author of this blog a Tweet after reading this post because I felt everything she said here was just so true and so powerful. It’s a shame we allow ourselves to feel this way, even after achieving such great success with weight loss.

be6dfbc230333ac815101070b8f19a08 4 Signs You Need To Take A Mental Health Day
I think we underestimate the need for a mental break, sometimes. This article had some great points!

a030c89455f4ec6a4c220079cdc6c73d 6 Easy Tricks To Become A Faster Runner
I especially liked the tip about focusing on your posture. I definitely need to work on this!

New Yorker: Why Walking Helps Us Think
My favorite article of the week — I love that walking helps spur creativity! This passage is my favorite:

When we choose a path through a city or forest, our brain must survey the surrounding environment, construct a mental map of the world, settle on a way forward, and translate that plan into a series of footsteps. Likewise, writing forces the brain to review its own landscape, plot a course through that mental terrain, and transcribe the resulting trail of thoughts by guiding the hands. Walking organizes the world around us; writing organizes our thoughts.

Did you read any great articles about health this week? Any words of inspiration you’d like to share?

2 thoughts on “Healthy Reads & Inspiration

  1. waterironair

    To be a faster runner you just need to run faster during your workouts…(and be consistent about it). My workouts are not “easy”. I just finished my 12th triathlon yesterday and it was HARD ’cause I pushed myself (as usual). My runs up and down the grand canyon weren’t easy either. The easiest part of healthy living is buying healthy food and staying away from stuffing your face with junk.


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